So, now your opinion is wanted! Let's face it: Hundreds of people are downloading the vinyl rips that I'm providing for this blog. And, I really don't know what you're after... a few comments are left but are you just downloading the stuff looking for samples, completing your mp3 library stuff? Are you buying vinyl? Just the old - undiscovered stuff or also new compilations? Whatever! Here is what I want from you: There'll be a early 80ies electronic library compilation to be released very soon! The tracklisting is almost done. One or two songs of the following soundfiles will be included. What do you think? Which one is your favourite? Please vote, leave a comment or whatever... Thank you!
Soundfile 1:
Soundfile 2:
Soundfile 3:
Soundfile 4:
And, the soundfiles are not originating from the cover that is shown above - that's just an eye-catcher!